The following is a little biographical information, much of which was compiled by Shelly DeGolyer from my Facebook page.
This is how I described myself on Etsy, some time ago. It's fairly comprehensive.
Folks think I don’t do much 'cause I’m retired.
Well, why am I never, ever bored? Maybe it’s
because I’m a widower, father and a cat valet;
tenor, cantor, chorister, a harmonica player;
composer; photographer and philosopher;
book-seller & antiques dealer; dreamer;
kayaker, canoeist and bicyclist; once a
Ph.D. biologist, still a naturalist, but
now more often a lyricist, satirist
or humorist; Transcendentalist
and a Catholic Buddhist (vice-
versa, I suppose); now semi-
professional artist; rather
prolific writer of poetry
and a little less prose.
My occupation, in a
word, is ‘Pilgrim’,
certainly not a
‘retiree’ who
has little or
nothing to
do. Nope.
SCUBA is easy
WALKING is difficult
RUNNING is impossible
Let's make the impossible possible...
SCOOTING in style
It's great in airports
but it's suicidal on stairs
The local supermarket said I couldn't ride it in the store.
So I wrote a letter that began with "In accordance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT..."
Now I hang a shopping basket on the handlebars.
I do clean up good.
for the Syracuse Oratorio Society
at a Symphoria concert
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