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On Angels and Messengers

Saturday, June 12, 2010

and RAMBLING ON about it, too.


Will there be Life after Death?
Will we find God or Nothing?
We need not fear -- it doesn't matter.
A difference without a distinction.

If there is no afterlife, we won't know it.
If there is, it is beyond knowing,
at least until we get there.
What's the difference between unknown and unknowable?

Two questions,
but just one answer.
One Truth.


We've heard it again and again,
this same answer to many other questions:

"I am the Alpha and the Omega"
"In the end, there can be only One."
"E Pluribus Unum."
"One, singular sensation ..."
"We get to carry each other.
      One. One."

"What's so hard about that?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your pondering. It’s wistful …. It had me recall one of my poems. It’s really nothing, it doesn’t really matter, yet it does. Because it’s a short poem, I’ll share it. But first, I also would like to mention that what I know of life after death is written in Mommy’s Writings. It changed my life forever. Here’s the poem: Life is Good:

    Now, this drawing is drawn.
    The question is:
    Will it be placed where it belongs?
    Or, will I find rest where it bids its self best?

    Well, I say to myself:
    ‘Life is good.’
    For now, I must look within self’s best
    too find the answer to who is the best.

    Will this drawing of lines and spaces,
    of time I’ve spent in quest,
    take me to where it bids me rest?

    Well, life is good.
    For I understand – at best
    that the drawing spent is
    like life at its best:
    To be discovered – and understood.
    For life is good – when understood.

    Suzanne McMillen-Fallon, Published Author, would you like a sandwich?
